VA Health
Created a multimodal prescription management tool that improved time-on-task by 400%
I've spent the last 6 years working as a Senior UX and multimodal UI designer for RAIN Agency. There I led product strategy, design, and research for 20+ clients like Headspace, Amazon, Autotrader, Nike, and Nestlé.
I currently work at SelectHealth, designing digital healthcare experiences for web and mobile. See below for my work, and if you're interested, drop me a line at [email protected].
Stories showcasing my approach to UX and product design
Created a multimodal prescription management tool that improved time-on-task by 400%
Rethought onboarding and multimodal interactions for a luxury massage chair mobile app
Designed an in-room voice concierge for 5,000 Wynn Resorts rooms with an 83% satisfaction rate
Crafted a voice-driven smart speaker app for guided meditations with almost 2 million users and an 85% retention rate
Snapshots of visual UI concepts and prototypes that I've made
A sampling of kind words from good people I've been privileged to work with
He’s a tireless advocate for being user-first in everything we do at RAIN… He’s [a] naturally gifted presenter and communicator; he does well to balance detailed arguments while also presenting high-level ideas to senior client audiences, and he’s equally skilled in rolling up his sleeves in collaborative settings with clients when required…
… He’s a confident presenter of his work and has the ability to naturally converse with a client to help diagnose the business problem(s) they are looking to solve, probe on the needs of the user or help guide and clarify client feedback to presented work—all while keeping the POV of the user(s) in mind so that their needs are properly represented in the exploration of solutions.
What you will find with Bryan is that he is driven by his exceptional professional integrity and passion for the field of UI/UX. He pushes himself well beyond the scope of his immediate work by constantly studying contemporary theory in his field...
… I saw his work come to life by the way he would turn any complex problem into something understandable. If something needed to be done, he was quick to turn around a clean prototype, user flow, or mockup.
My digital garden includes my collection of imperfect and ever-evolving notes, essays, and snapshots of learning
Notes are short and exploratory; essays make an argument
Snapshots of my reading life—focused on technology, design, work, and culture
Sheryl Cababa
Daniel Goleman
Matthew B. Crawford
Jonathan Malesic
Michael J Metts, Andy Welfle
Jeff Gothelf, Josh Seiden
Diana Deibel, Rebecca Evanhoe
Sara Hendren
Stephen Bungay